Youth Empowerment

Kuresoi South Youth Economic Empowerment Program

More than half of the population of Kenya is under 25 years of age, and many youth, particularly girls in rural parts of Kuresoi South, have not been able to complete even six years of primary education.

TAP Organization Youth Economic Empowerment Program is about enabling Kuresoi South youth to realize their rights and become change agents in their own communities. It increases economic opportunities for poor youth through financial literacy and skills training, as well as improving access to financial services.

Approximately half of Kuresoi South's youth are illiterate and are unemployed, most with no job skills. The formal job market in Kenya is limited, leaving low-paying and dangerous work for youth. Girls in particular who have not completed basic education, often find themselves vulnerable to sexual abuse after finding work in bars or as domestic servants.

Our Youth Economic Empowerment Program helps Kuresoi South youth realize their rights. Each youth participated in a crash course in joining the work force and received tools to start their careers. Basic literacy and numeric skills development, financial literacy, ICT training, gender equality, human and child rights, health and sexual education, critical and creative thinking skills, and life-long learning skills become part of these youth's tool boxes as they navigate life at work.

Much more than just a job, these empowerment programs are lifelines that help youth break the cycle of poverty.